Glitter Words

Senin, 02 Mei 2011



Nice Papaya From IPB

They are the excellent varieties of papaya IPB....chek this out!!
Papaya IPB-1 (Arum Bogor)
     * Age flowering: 121 HST
     * The color of the fruit skin: light green
     * The color of the fruit flesh: reddish orange
     * The middle of the fruit: irregular
     * The base of the fruit: rather enter into
     * The texture of the fruit skin: smooth
     * Weight per piece: 0.63 kg / fruit
     * PTT: 12 ° Brix
     * Violence: 0832 mm / s

Papaya IPB-2 (Prima Bogor)
     * Age flowering: 139 HST
     * The color of the fruit skin: dark green
     * The color of the fruit flesh: reddish orange
     * The middle of the fruit: Angular
     * The base of the fruit: upright
     * The texture of the fruit skin: intermediate
     * Weight per piece: 2.27 kg / fruit
     * PTT: 11 ° Brix
     * Violence: 0817 mm / s

 Papaya IPB-3
     * Age flowering: 130 HST
     * The color of fruit skin: green
     * The color of the fruit flesh: reddish orange
     * The middle of the fruit: Angular
     * The base of the fruit: upright
     * The texture of the fruit skin: intermediat
     * Weight per piece: 12:53 kg / fruit
     * PTT: 14 ° Brix
     * Violence: 0852 mm / s

Papaya IPB-4

     * Age flowering: 126 HST
     * The color of the fruit skin: yellow
     * The color of the fruit flesh: reddish orange
     * The middle of the fruit: irregular
     * The base of the fruit: upright
     * The texture of the fruit skin: smooth
     * Weight per piece: 12:56 kg / fruit
     * PTT: 11 ° Brix
     * Violence: 0838 mm / s

Papaya IPB-5
     * Age flowering: 135 HST
     * The color of the fruit skin: dark green
     * The color of the fruit flesh: reddish orange
     * The middle of the fruit: Angular
     * The base of the fruit: upright
     * The texture of the fruit skin: a bit slippery
     * Weight per piece: 1.25 kg / fruit
     * PTT: 12 ° Brix
     * Violence: 0842 mm / s


Papaya IPB-6c
     * The color of fruit skin: green
     * The color of the fruit flesh: yellow orange
     * The middle of the fruit: Angular
     * The base of the fruit: upright
     * The texture of the fruit skin: smooth
     * Weight per piece: ± 2.8 kg
     * PTT: 8-9 ° Brix

Papaya IPB-8
* Age flowering: 141 HST
* The color of fruit skin: green
* The color of the fruit flesh: reddish orange
* The middle of the fruit: Angular
* The base of the fruit: upright
* The texture of the fruit skin: intermediate
* Weight per piece: 2:56 kg / fruit
* PTT: 11 ° Brix
* Violence: 0847 mm / s
Papaya IPB-9
* Age flowering: 114 HST
* The color of the fruit skin: light green
* The color of the fruit flesh: reddish orange
* The middle of the fruit: Angular
* The base of the fruit: a bit into
* The texture of the fruit skin: intermediate
* Weight per piece: 1.24 kg / fruit
* PTT: 11 ° Brix
* Violence: 0823 mm / s

Papaya IPB-10 (Wulung Bogor)
* Age flowering: ± 118 HST
* The color of fruit skin: green
* The color of the fruit flesh: reddish orange
* The middle of the fruit: Angular
* The base of the fruit: upright
* The texture of the fruit skin: a bit slippery
* Weight per piece: 1.16 kg / fruit
* PTT: 90-10 ° Brix
* Violence: 0.8195 mm / s
* Production of sap per piece: 25.23 g (total of 9 times tapping)
* Papain crude per piece: 3.35 g (total of 9 times tapping)
* Sap moisture content (%): 89.27% (average of 9 times tapping)
* Rendeman sap (%): 13.28% (average of 9 times tapping)
* Proteolytic activity of crude papain: 1102.34 mcu / g
* Resilience OPT: antraknosa, thrips, mites 

each variety has the advantage, but if I'm asked, I prefer  IPB-9 and IPB-3 than others ... IPB-9 has a very good appearance, while ipb-3 has mini-sized so it is eazy in carrying travel ... about the taste, I think all of them   have   good taste.

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